holiday over vietnam

Monday, October 30, 2006

Charities Trash

This article is about charity bins that sometimes you can see on the sstreet where you can put clothes for charity.

Many charity bins in some local area have been trashed by people throwing their garbage in the bins and the bin. People who give real charity think it would go to the people need but unfortunit there are scavengers who pray on the bins. Taking the clothesthey likeand trashing, frowing, dumping rubish. Costing the charities money to get rid of the rubish. Alot of charities bin have been taken off the street as a result.

In my opinion it is better to take all the charities bins back so no one can trash or take clothes. Anyone who wants to give to charities bring it straight to the charities. If you need help with money, clothing and food people from the charities will help for sure. They always opening their hand.


Blogger Lillian said...

Hi Linh, you are writing and expressing your opinion very well.

2:01 AM  

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